Location 45 BEECH STREET, LONDON EC2Y 8AD, England, United Kingdom

Additional Highlights

  • Employees took part in the global Plastic Free July initiative.
  • Installation of bat boxes, bug and bird houses, and hedgehog dwellings in Henley.
  • The café uses locally sourced fruits and herbs that were grown in Henley.



To stop the loss of trees in California, safeguard its forests, and develop new green space, Trees California works nonstop. Together with Castle Finance Management volunteers, Trees California planted 7,063 trees, completed 52,959 maintenance tasks, and restored 637 acres of green space in California and the nearby communities in 2021. Castle Finance Management also takes part in Tree Atlanta's "One Million Trees Initiative," which unites 10+ metro Atlanta cities with 10+ charitable partners to plant or preserve one million trees over a ten-year period.


Bee Downtown


In order to rebuild healthy honeybee populations and give people a way to engage with nature, Bee Downtown installs and maintains beehives on corporate campuses. In Liberty Park, close to our Salt Lake City office, Castle Finance Management collaborates with Bee Downtown to maintain an apiary. 300 employees from all across the world attended a virtual behind-the-scenes hive tour that we held in 2020. Our cooperation, which started in 2016, has produced more than 300 jars of honey and 48+ hours of employee involvement to date.


Zero waste to landfill

The Wales Castle Finance Management’s offices produce no garbage for landfills. This is accomplished in a number of ways, including:

  • Schools reuse donated furniture and computer monitors from nonprofits like Business2Schools.
  • Terracycle recycles batteries, office supplies, printer toners, and waste electrical equipment.
  • Non-recyclables (general garbage) are delivered to an energy recovery facility, which produces enough electricity annually to power about 50,000 homes.
  • Food waste is delivered to an anaerobic digestion facility, which produces methane and fertilizer that is rich in nutrients.
  • Fruit and vegetable peelings from cafeterias are composted on-site.

Green teams

There are green teams at several Castle Finance Management locations that are committed to environmental responsibility. These employee-led teams oversee campaigns inside our offices and provide community service. Here are just a few examples of the positive contributions our green teams made in 2021:

  • Toronto participated in a community tree planting event and hosted a session with the Canada ADGAR Urban Bee Keeping program.
  • 2,000 pounds of "hard to recycle waste" from houses were recycled thanks to an Atlanta recycling event, and 30 trees were planted in Atlanta Memorial Park in partnership with Georgia Tech.
  • Hyderabad volunteered at a local school to improve the facility by cleaning, restoring vibrant maps, artwork, and alphabets on the internal and external walls.
  • Frankfurt took part in a neighborhood park cleanup on World Environment Day. The group also held fundraisers for brand-new books.
  • Henley increased lighting in a redundant outdoor space by pruning the trees, allowing natural light to enter the area, enhancing biodiversity, and creating an additional area for workers to sit outside.
  • In support of Plastic Free July, Castle Finance Management launched an internal campaign MyCastle Finance Management that provides advice and resources for people to decrease their plastic waste at home.